Art and Photography Business Management

Chiefly, Visuals Arts (Multimedia, Art and Photography Business Management) encompasses numerous disciplines. Whether it is painting, sculpting, make up, hair, photography, styling and entertainment. Undoubtedly, CSC considers the cross-collaborative aspect in a variety of industries. Nevertheless, we streamline the category as such. And we focus on the discipline of the management of the business.

In Marketing, the Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is the strategy of informing customers about how one’s own brand or product is superior to its competitors. Certainly, a clear and compelling message is essential. Strategically, the utilization of the message must be optimized. Of course, as we organize the business we keep this in mind. However, it is in the marketing strategy that we maximize the full potential of this unique value in creative offering.

Art and Photography Business Management and USP

Organizing the business essentials requires Entrepreneurship and focus. Furthermore, planning for market presence demands an even deeper attention. to say but has a lot to it. Nevertheless, it is important to understand that plan is what and how actions will be taken. Meanwhile, defining the reason why and its direction is ultimately the strategy that leverages the USP.

Defining Reason of the USP

Of course, one may say how unique or talented a specific artist is. Whether the artist is emerging or established. Furthermore, we can speak about their POV, passion and approach. On the other hand, is the talent capable of building and practicing their creative excellence? And are they capable of communicating and connecting with their audience? Here, the story has to be compelling and resonate with the benefits and values. Perhaps, without one, the art, product or talent may come across as one dimensional. Like a melody, the USP constructs a piece from a conglomeration of unique thoughts:

  • values that drive the artist or brand
  • the cohesion of theme and work
  • the history and arch
  • origin, roots and connection
  • passion and feeling
  • the uniqueness in the process
  • skills, talent or craftsmanship

Targeting Audience or Niche with the USP

With a clear rationale, determining the audience and where/when to target them is the natural next step. Whether it is digital positioning, print or physical presence, the important step of having a powerful USP is set. Likewise, CSC knows the value of pushing the creative boundaries and aligning the resources strategically. Specifically, we work with our artists to optimize the opportunity, regardless of the platform and application. The importance here is the solidarity in the message and the go-to-market strategy.

Again, creating an audience profile is important. Certainly, it allows to understand what drives them to follow, engage, buy, visit, participate, attend, etc. Consequently, this audience member becomes part of a niche that loves what we have to offer. Undoubtedly, we must know why they need/ want our product. Furthermore, what it will take to get them to finalize the commitment. Although, people may change their minds or lose interest, at the very least we must understand why. With this in mind, take principles in Lead Generation to:

  • Create Awareness
  • Communicate and Educate
  • Allow a Taste, Sample
  • Maximize Conversion

The Differentiation Factor in the USP

With a psychological profile of the audience and the understanding of our well-defined reasoning, we are polished and ready to communicate our USP. Indeed, this wraps a beautiful bow on the differentiation factor. Nonetheless, an ongoing competitor research is important. Particularly, for those operating in the same geographical or cyber space. With a solid landscape review and a thorough competitive analysis, we move into the execution of the strategy. The analysis may well give clarity on what differentiates our artist from others. And though some times difficult to evaluate, it is important to understand what that is. Therefore, being clear and confident on this USP differentiation factor, the message and brand will captivate and entice our audience. And we can align all resources to promote and sell.