Food Service and Retail

Food Service Management Marketing is all about unlocking the value of the industry. From R&D, to Distribution & Innovation, food manufacturers must keep a finger on the pulse. Whether it’s gaging ongoing trends, or the ramifications from a pandemic. Equally important, innovation in sustainability practices is highly important. Undoubtedly, manufacturers adapt to growing consumer demands. For this, CSC is on top of the game. Whether it is studying supply chain disruptions or widespread labor shortages, we are experts in the Industry. Indeed, CSC works with small business owners to global industry leaders. Nevertheless, we make an impact. And create strategy to maximize potential. From a single retail product line to a food service internationally recognized brand.

Strategy in Food Service Management Marketing

Chiefly, CSC believes in the investment strategy a food business. Certainly, understanding cashflow in the business model in important. Furthermore, the concepts used by investors to make investment decisions. It must be clear, what is the company’s method to assess their business and operations for a broader purpose. As a result, CSC analyzes the market and the criteria standards for a company’s operations. And this is for both profitability and non-financial. Correspondingly, we develop strategic plans. From top-line revenue, to social responsibility. Indeed, we leverage traditional financial data and create projects for successful growth. Nevertheless, we value organizations that address environmental, social, and governance risks. Ultimately, we integrate strategy mitigating investment risk and maximizing better performance and financial results.

R&D and Transformation

Understanding the Food Safety and Quality standard is a highly important aspect of food manufacturing and management. Working with industry giants such as Sysco, Tyson and Sodexo has allowed for invaluable gains of industry knowhow. Despite developments in robotics and automation technologies, several challenges need to be addressed to fulfill the high demand for automating various manufacturing processes in the food industry.

First and foremost, a clearly defined product mix is essential. Second, an R&D plan must be included strategically. And a well defined executive direction on transformation comes into effect. From maintaining an overarching landscape review to a deep dive competitive analysis. It is here where we work with the engineers and subject matter experts to advance productivity.

An example: the development of robotic end-effectors. This works for large variations of food products with high practicality and low cost, recognition of food products and materials in 3D scenario. Another is better understanding of fundamental information of food products. This includes food categorization and physical properties from the viewpoint of robotic handling. And there is the packaging and storage.

Nevertheless, CSC leads in the marketing of Food Service. We have the intelligence and experience in the business. We understand the challenges in robotic food handling and work with the team on advances in robotic end-effectors, food recognition, and fundamental information of food products related to robotic food handling. And ultimately, integrate future research directions and opportunities at all levels, while enhancing the value, quality, safety and profitability.