Best Practices Business Sustainability

What and how do you intend to apply a sustainability best practices strategy? Clearly, CSC understands the sustainability’s inextricable links at a macro and micro level. First, we work on strategies to drive mitigation. Then, we focus on the adaptation. Furthermore, CSC emphasize the resilience effort in order to evolve and grow. In business, US manufacturers have taken major steps to make their supply chains more sustainable in an effort to fight climate change. 

Leaders in Sustainability Best Practices

One example, earlier this year, GM appointed its first chief sustainability officer Dane Parker to drive the carmaker and the nation towards an all-electric, zero-emissions future (GM plans to produce 20 new all-electric vehicles by 2023).

Another example, is SC Johnson. Indeed, a strong categorization has been created. First, they have a “Taking Action to End Plastic Waste” plan. Second, “Protecting and Preserving the Environment”. And third, they have a “Resourcing Efficient Production” plan. By adopting the circular economy principles aimed at zero-waste, they are almost there. Yes, SC Johnson has already made 94% of its plastic packaging recyclable, reusable, or compostable.

And Levi Strauss is shaking up the apparel sector, a top contributor to global warming, by committing to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions within its own facilities by 90% by 2025.

The Basis of Circular Economy

CSC leads through collaborations, stories, innovation and a service based on the idea of the circular economy. Indeed, great leaders in several Industries, have accomplished many goals. Of course, it is not just on the environmental level. From an economic and social level, we collect and analyze current and future best practices models. In conclusion, we help streamline the resources and approach. Certainly, we seek solidify this plan. And assist in the prevention the depletion of natural or physical resources. Most importantly, so that they will remain available for the long term.